Title: Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Genre(s): Action – Adventure – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: June 8, 2017 Company: Lizardcube / DotEmu

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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Play as the game’s classic character, Hu-Man, or as his brand-new, long-awaited co-star Hu-Girl. You can also inhabit Lizard-Man, Mouse-Man, Piranha-Man, Lion-Man, and Hawk-Man, and use their unique abilities to uncover the land’s deepest secrets. Enjoy 3 difficulty levels catering to players of all types, and switch from modern graphics and sound to 8-bit graphics/audio at any time – even during gameplay!

Video/s from the Game:

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap (c) Lizardcube / DotEmu Boasting beautiful, hand-drawn animations and a re-orchestrated soundtrack, the cult classic returns with a unique blend of exploration, action, and adventure! Cursed into a half-human, half-lizard monstrosity by the Meka-Dragon, you are in search for a cure! The only way you can return to human form is to find the Salamander Cross, a magical item with the power to remove curses… More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/wonder_boy_the_dragons_trap How to Easily Download & Install Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap

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Size: 968.6 MB Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap v1.03f.02 [GOG]

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