Title: The Shivah Genre: Adventure – Point-and-click – Modern Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: November 21, 2013 Company: Wadjet Eye Games / Wadjet Eye Games

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The Shivah (c) Wadjet Eye Games / Wadjet Eye Games Russell Stone is a Rabbi at a poor synagogue in New York City. He is a devout man with a problem. Membership is way down and he lacks the funds to keep his synagogue open. Things are looking very bleak, and he has grown progressively more cynical and bitter with the passage of time. Just as he is on the verge of packing it all in, he receives some interesting news. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/the_shivah How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 199 MiB The Shivah (2.1) [GOG]

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