Title: Felix The Reaper Genre: Adventure – Puzzle – Comedy Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: October 17, 2019 Company: Kong Orange / Daedalic Entertainment

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Felix The Reaper (c) Kong Orange / Daedalic Entertainment Felix works at The Ministry of Death, and he’s in love with Betty The Maiden from The Ministry of Life. He believes that going to the human world as a field reaper will enable him to one day meet her, so he’s taken the job of making sure people die—and taught himself to dance, in order to impress the love of his (un)life. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/felix_the_reaper How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 3.06 GiB Felix The Reaper (1.09) [GOG]

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